While many national credit tenants will have strict guidelines for the organization of their space as part of their brand identity, a major consideration for others will be the cost of different configurations and layouts. Often, minor changes can result in substantial cost savings; and desired appearances can be value engineered for bottom-line objectives. When they fully appreciate the savings that can be garnered by what in the end can be quite minor adjustments, tenants are usually highly responsive to our recommendations. RDS is highly expert in this category of tenant relations, having had experience in manipulating space for cost-effectiveness in literally hundreds of different instances, for every conceivable type of commercial retail and office building tenant. Our capabilities extend to the suggestion of variants to a plan, and the ability to manage these into concrete proposals developed by the project technical team. We will also review tenants submitted plans for conformity to design criteria and the lease exhibits, and will act as your intermediary in resolving any design conflicts that may arise. Throughout this process, RDS will maintain close contact with the tenants construction coordinator to assure plan reviews are submitted in a timely fashion, and that all potential construction start dates and deadlines are met.