It is important that you know exactly who your tenants are going to be, or at least the categories into which they will fall, at the very beginning of your retail shopping center or office building development process. Requirements will differ for neighborhood, community, or power centers with big boxes and pads. A versus B office buildings will obviously have different requirements, and different categories of tenants will have different needs. For example, hi-tech tenants will require more advanced wiring and energy packages, and access to telecommunications facilities, whereas law firms will require a professional level of finishes. All of these factors will need to be addressed through Conceptual and Detailed Buildout Cost Estimating in your early development phases, as well as with great precision later, as part of your detailed planning for and negotiations with actual tenants. Our direct experience includes over $50 million in tenant improvements endeavors, covering every conceivable category of occupancy, including projects for some of the nations most illustrious developers. RDS is expert in managing and value engineering the allocations for buildouts, and coordinating issues between technical team members, architects, and tenant representatives into cost-effective line items. This allows us to manage expectations satisfactorily for both sides. Additionally, our track record and experience make us an invaluable outside resource in assuring that every contingency and possibility has been addressed in Conceptual and Detailed Buildout Cost Estimating. Whether you bring us in during the development phase, or on a project basis to coordinate specific buildouts, we will constitute one of the best insurance policies money can buy.